NARS Playbook - Adjusters

NA R S P r in c ip l e s PLAYBOOK Co m pl i a n c e P er f or & Rm eqa n uc ie M r ema enn a tg sem en t R A esd p m onsin i is b t r i a l t i t iv i ese NARS Playbook Front Cover Adjusters 2023 Y M oura Wn a orgi n k g

s e l ip c in r NARS Playbook P S R NA The NARS Playbook is intended to be a reference guide e for all members of the NARS team. Each section c contains information outlining key operational areas and n a i pl accompanying expectations of employees. m Co Business lines and departments may supplement this Playbook to include specific requirements and t expectations on an individual position, team, or ens departmental basis. emt g a en n a em r e Mi c u n eq a m & R or f er P e es ivi t t i l a i r b t i is inons m p d es A R g k n or gi a W n a our M Y 2 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NA R S Table of Contents P r in c ip l e NARS Principles 5 s Compliance 7 Performance Management & Requirement 9 Co Onboarding New Hires 11 m pl i Temp Employee Management 12 a n c Departing Employee Procedure 12 e Administrative Responsibilities 13 Managing Your Work 15 P er f or Authority 19 & Rm eqa n u c Documentation 21 i e M r ema enn Financial Responsibilities 23 a t g s em Timeliness/Deadlines 25 en Client/Customer Details 27 t R A esd p m onsin i is b t r i a l t i t iv i ese Y M oura W n a or gi n 3 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

s e l ip c in r P S R NA e c n a i pl m Co t ens emt g a en n a em r e Mi c u n eq a m & R or f er P e es ivi t t i l a i r b t i is inons m p d es A R g k n or gi a W n a our M Y 4 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NAN NARS Principles RAR SS P P rr ininc c ipip ll ees The NARS Employee Handbook has been prepared to inform s all employees of the policies and procedures of NARS. You will want to familiarize yourself with the Handbook and should refer to it when you have questions about Company Co m pl policies. Specific questions regarding any NARS policies may i a n c also be referred to your manager or Human Resources. e All NARS employees are expected to: P ● Act honestly, ethically, and in good faith at all times er f or ● Comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations of all & Rm eqa n u c governmental entities and private and public regulatory i e M r ema enn agencies, including all insurance departments having a t g s em jurisdiction over NARS en ● Maintain all company records accurately, truthfully, and t in a timely manner ● Avoid apparent conflicts of interest in personal and R A esd professional relationships p m onsin ● Maintain the highest standards in all matters relating to i is b t r i a l t i accounting, financial controls t iv i ese ● Adhere to NARS policies, guidelines, and timelines ● Protect the confidentiality of NARS work product and proprietary information of NARS and our customers ● Promote a culture of honesty and accountability Y M oura Wn a orgi n 5 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

s e l ip NARS Principles c in r P S R NA e c n a i pl m Co t ens emt g a en n a em r e Mi c u n eq a m & R or f er P e es ivi t t i l a i r b t i is inons m p d es A R g k n or gi a W n a our M Y 6 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NA R Compliance S P r in c ip l e NARS requires all management and employees of the s organization to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, and standards that apply to the company. All aspects of business are to be conducted ethically, with integrity, and CoC mom in compliance with the law. plp il aia nnc Compliance is ensured through the design, development, and c implementation of policies, processes, and procedures. ee Additionally:  Licensing is required for many jurisdictions and individual P er f or jobs throughout the organization. Each employee must be & Rm eqa n aware of the licensing requirements for their position and u c i e M r ema must obtain and maintain appropriate licensing and enn a t g accreditation. This includes meeting continuing s em en educational requirements where applicable. See Licensing t Guidelines (NARS University link)  Claims Toolkit should also be referenced when seeking R esA specific information regarding compliance requirements d p m with certain jurisdictions or business lines. onsin i is b t r i a l t i  All Data and Informational reporting must be managed t iv i ese and completed timely, accurately, and in accordance with legal and regulatory standards and requirements. Y M oura Wn a orgi n 7 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

s e l ip c Compliance in r P S R NA e c n a i pl m Co t ens emt g a en n a em r e Mi c u n eq a m & R or f er P e es ivi t t i l a i r b t i is inons m p d es A R g k n or gi a W n a our M Y 8 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NA Performance Management R S P r & Requirements in c ip l e Initial Claim Assignment s • Adjusters are required to review new losses within 24 hours of receipt • Review, complete ECLDA assessment, and set up all new claim assignments within 24 hours from assignment. Co m • ECLDA pl i a o Event n c o Coverage e • Adjuster must utilize the Auto Coverage Template and document it in the notes • Explain what symbol applies and why P P Example: ere f rf • 68 applies – owner operator &oro & R Rmrman • Policy has been dropped into the file eqea qn u c c o Liability iuie Me rre M o Damages emmeaan enn a ag o Action Plan tng steme senme • Document the files with details, including names of parties contacted, phone numbers, t n t emails, etc. • Primary contact channels are phone and text. R A • Complete regulatory requirements, compliance letters/ phone calls. Confirm all FNOL es d letters are sent at the initial set up of the claim, which is within 24 hours of receipt of p m onsin the assignment. i is b t r i a l t i t iv • Open all applicable features at initial claim set-up, or upon receipt of information that i es e would require the opening of a feature. o Contact all parties, including drivers, owners, witnesses, and passengers to the claim within 24 hours of assignment. Obtain full and complete statements from all parties involved in the claim, and document same in the file notes. Utilize all applicable vendors to obtain contact information on the potential parties and witnesses to the claim. Y M o At no time should any employee utilize third party vendors for personal use oura W n a without the explicit written consent of claims leadership. or gi n 9 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

s e l Performance Management ip c in r & Requirements P S R NA • Explain all applicable coverages to insureds upon new loss set up or first contact and document same in the notes. • Adjusters are still to set-up “record-only losses” (where the claimant is fully at fault/liability only) including ECLDA, contacts are to be attempted, storage and e accident forms are to be sent, and the file is to be closed. c o Please note that these files should opened under the “record-only” feature and n a will contain a $0 reserve for purposes of record keeping. i pl m • ISO Guidelines – An ISO report will run automatically for every new claim. Claims Co staff must review all ISO insights upon receipt or within 1 business day and document same in the notes. t o ISO in C3 en o There is an ISO search tab in the claim file, however these are not always ems related to this claim. A SMQuery should be requested, and they provide gt aen background check, social media and ISO reports. n aem r e Mi cu • Complete New File Contacts - use additional resources as needed to find #’s (ISO, neq a google, policy app, etc) m& R or f er P • Atty Rep: establish contact w/ claimant attorney to introduce yourself and to obtain: o Injury description o Any missing biographical info (ssn, dob, etc) o Open up dialogue on possible low impacts, exaggerations, injury hx, etc. e es o Status of treatment / demand ivi t t i l a i r b t i Recorded Statements is inons m p d es • It is mandatory that recorded statements be obtained on ALL new files. Recorded A R statements are especially important in the following situations: o Any time there is no police report. o Lane changes o Conflicting statements o Facts of loss are at issue. g k o Coverage issues exist. n or gi a W n a our M Y 10 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Performance Management NA R S P & Requirements r in c ip l e • We need to get recorded statements on first calls with claimant drivers as well as s passengers and other witnesses, when possible. • If an attorney is involved for either the opposing party or our insured, the adjuster should ask the attorney for their client’s cooperation in obtaining a statement. Physical Damage Handling Co m • Use the method of inspection including the quick estimate feature for all estimates pl i a except for potential total losses or non-drivable vehicles. n c • Monitor non-drivable vehicles; move vehicles to a storage-free location whenever e possible to avoid excessive storage charges. • Monitor all rentals through the Enterprise Rent A Car portal (ARMS), especially when the vehicle is a total loss. P • Complete Risk Review to MGA if applicable er f • If the insured vehicle is a total loss, complete a risk review form and advise the or & Rm insured to contact their agent to discuss removing that vehicle’s insurance from eq a n u c the policy. i e M r • Review all estimates within 2 business days of receipt. em a en n a o Once the Adjuster has reviewed the estimate, and confirmed coverage and t g s em liability issues have been resolved, payment shall be issued. en • W9s for payments to repair facilities are required. t o At that point, the adjuster may also remove any corresponding diaries for the estimate. o At any given time, another claims professional should be able to pick up that R claim, review the diary and “To Do List”, and know the next steps to bring the es A d claim to conclusion. p m • Create Action Plan (To do list) – the Action Plan should list all items required to onsin i is b t conclude the claim. r i a l t i • Adjusters must document the authorization of tows and advance charges, including t iv i es e negotiations, authority, in the file notes. Bodily Injury Handling • When there are injuries with a low impact, an inspection of both the insured and claimant’s vehicles should take place, regardless of whether there is physical damage Y M coverage or not. oura W n a or gi n 11 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

s e l Performance Management ip c in r & Requirements P S R NA • Determine liability by evaluating police reports, driver, passenger and witness statements, damage to vehicles, social media, or other media sources regarding the loss, etc. • Liability should be determined utilizing the negligence laws in the accident state (for e example, contributory, pure comparative, or modified comparative negligence). c n • Send statutory letters as required by the accident state. a i pl • Management shall be notified immediately of any policy or time limit demands m regardless of the method of receipt. Co • All demands shall be acknowledged, reviewed, and escalated for authority (if necessary) within 3 business days of demand due date. t • All demands received by the adjuster or clerical team must be forwarded to the en s Litigation Manager within 8 business hours of receipt. em t g a en n a em • All demands shall be sent via email to [email protected] r e Mi c u n eq a • Immediately notify management of losses involving serious injuries. m & R or f o Such injuries include, but may not be limited to: er P 1. Amputations 2. Loss of sight/hearing 3. Burns e es 4. Multiple fractures or a single fracture requiring surgery and hardware iv i placement. t t i l a i 5. Severe scarring r b t i 6. Brain trauma is in ons 7. Fatality m p 8. Spinal surgeries d es A R 9. Paralysis 10. Any claim with the potential value of: • $100,000 or more for limits > $1,000,000 11. Injuries requiring surgery. k • Complete a FLASH Notification to be sent to the carrier and MGA representatives as g instructed in the program requirements. n or gi a W n a our M Y 12 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Performance Management NA R S P & Requirements r in c ip l e • Complete a Large Loss Review (LLR) for reserve modifications to be sent to the carrier s representative for authority, unless otherwise approved by the carrier. • Utilize the appropriate BI evaluation summary and authority requests. • Adhere to the authority previously discussed with management and the carrier if applicable. Co m pl • Once authority is provided, an offer must be extended verbally and in writing within 5 i a business days of receipt of authority. n c • Low impact collisions require photos of the insured’s vehicle. e • A check summary shall be completed upon the issuance of an indemnity payment. P er • If a property damage subrogation claim is received from another carrier, on a claim with f or a corresponding bodily injury, the property damage feature should be assigned to the & Rm eq a n u c bodily injury adjuster to negotiate and settle or deny liability, whichever is necessary. i e M r em a en n a Litigation Handling t g s em Upon receipt of a lawsuit immediately update the lawsuit log and notify management of receipt of en a lawsuit. t • When a lawsuit is received, the response date should be examined by the adjuster to determine if such requires immediate or expedited attention. R es A d • The file notes should be updated under the topic Litigation with the following basic suit p m onsin information. i is b t r • Case Number: i a l t i t iv i • Service Date: es e • County Filed: • Response Date: • Parties: • Demand Amount: • Once the file is updated to reflect that the suit was received, the adjuster shall send Y M oura documents to the designated email address for new lawsuits ([email protected] n ) and W a CC their unit manager. or gi n 13 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

s e l Performance Management ip c in r & Requirements P S R NA • The litigation module in C3 must be populated. • All litigation dates including mediations, trials, depositions, etc.... must be communicated with the carrier immediately or at least 90 days prior to the date. • A reminder should also be sent to the carrier one week prior to the pending date. e c • If the file is in litigation and the property damage is included as part of the suit, the n a property damage feature should be assigned to the bodily injury adjuster to manage i pl both features through the litigation process. m Co Litigation Management • It is the adjuster’s responsibility to drive and manage the litigated files o Adjusters should request input and guidance from defense counsel; however, t they should not be waiting for requested information for extended periods of ens time, with the exception of the discovery phase. emt • Adjusters are required to contact defense counsel and document the file as needed g aen n o Including but not limited to: aem r  Budgets e Mi cu  Defense Strategy neq a  Discovery status m& R or f  Settlement authority er  Negotiation status P  Upcoming dates o 3 questions asked from DC – Dialogue  Do we need to do this at all?  Is this something we need to do now? e es  Can we do it for less $$ by getting an IA – Boots on the ground early on? ivi t t i  This may change but we can address it in the next phase l a i r b t i  Manage legal spend is  Must be documented in the file inons m p d es A R g k n or gi a W n a our M Y 14 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Performance Management NA R S P & Requirements r in c ip l e Legal Correspondence s • Policy limit and time limit demands o Notify the carrier within 24-48 hours of receipt of a policy or time limit demand o Send the carrier the notification and include the following: • Demand attachment (PDF) • Demand due date Co m • Provide our recommendations pl i • The carrier needs to have time to respond to the demand a n o Do not send demands to the carrier the day before they are due c • The carrier will instruct what happens next e • The carrier must approve all extensions prior to adjuster requesting, same o The carrier needs to be put on notice immediately prior to requesting an extension P • Extensions to answer suits are ok to request, however, the carrier believes it should be er f or requested by defense counsel and not the adjuster & Rm eqa n o Notify the carrier: u c i e M r • Negotiations continue up to and after the statute of limitations where ema enn NARS knows we can settle the case without accruing defense costs a t g s em en Notices of Trial and Hearings t • Notification to the carrier is required no later than 60 days prior to trial date or as soon as practical • An email to the carrier is sufficient, including a note confirming the status and dates R A es d • Litigation critical date report is being sent to the carrier; however, we need to give the p m carrier a heads up and document the litigation module onsin i is • Determine whether the carrier handles mediations b t r i a l t i o Confirm the carrier’s availability prior to setting the date t iv i o If you have issues with the carrier’s defense firms es e o Bring these issues to the carrier immediately Y M oura W n a or gi n 15 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

s e l Performance Management ip c in r & Requirements P S R NA e c n a i pl m Co t ens emt g a en n a em r e Mi c u n eq a m & R or f er P e es ivi t t i l a i r b t i is inons m p d es A R g k n or gi a W n a our M Y 16 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Administrative NA R S Responsibilities P r in c ip l e Meaningful Case Investigation s • Documentation is key • We have met with the teams to refresh their documentation skills o Addressing the need for:  Police report summaries Co  Coverage confirmation m pl i ● Including: a n ● Effective dates c ● Vehicle information e ● Driver information ● Symbols ● Deductibles P ● Limits er f or ● If necessary, applicable policy language & Rm eqa  Policy info should be requested to [email protected] n u c i e M • Check summaries r ema enn • Liability determination a t g • Damages including breakdown of estimates and injuries s em o Ruling out serious injuries as quickly as possible en o Follow ups with claimants or attorneys on injury and treatment status t • Action plans Contact Attempts RRAdA esesd ppmm • Telephone contact attempts are required to be completed and documented in the onsonsinisin file with the name and contact number of the party i is ibbtt rr • Subsequent contact attempts can be made via email if that is the preferred method, iliaa l t itit t iviv iesi however, it must be documented in the notes. ese e • There should be no gaps in contact over 35 days Y M oura W n a or gi n 17 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

s e l Administrative ip c in r Responsibilities P S R NA Proactive Handling • Adjusters are to attempt to bring the file to conclusion as quickly as possible. o This includes: e  Contacting parties to obtain damages and settling physical/property c damage within the first 30 days on claims where coverage and liability n a are confirmed i pl  Attempting first call settlements, whenever possible m ● Take facts into account Co ● You will not be questioned later as long as the file warrants the $$ ● Thought process must be documented t  Contacting injured parties immediately and through their treatment, ens avoiding attorney representation as much as possible emt o Negotiations and documentation should start within 24 – 48 hours after g a en n a em receipt of authority r e Mi c u n eq a Timely Decisions m & R or f er • Coverage and liability decisions are to be made and documented as soon as P reasonably practicable. o Reasonable would be within first 30 days on 80% of cases. e es iv i Notifications and Large Loss Reviews (LLR) t t i l a i r b t i • LLRs are viewed by the executives at the carrier is in ons o LLRs are extremely important as they provide a window into the claim file for m p the carrier d es A R o This is your work product; therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to detail • LLR notifications to carrier must be completed immediately upon the receipt of new information or within 30 days, if the adjuster is waiting for additional information k o Including: g  Historical Indemnity Reserve: n or  Please make sure that if the loss is within the first 6 months that you gi a W place an N/A in the box n a our  Do not list the initial reserve M Y 18 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Administrative NA R S Responsibilities P r in c ip l e o Coverage issues s  In the coverage section it is very important to note the following:  What symbol applies and why  Confirm the policy documents have been received and were dropped into the claim file  Do not include the entire Auto Coverage Template Co ● This is for the file notes only m pl o Reserve requests i a n o Injuries, including, but not limited to: c  Damages expected to exceed (carrier authority) per occurrence; e  Death;  Severe burns;  Loss of sight, smell or taste; P  Brain injury; er f or  Paralysis; & Rm eqa  Amputation; n u c i e M  Multiple injuries resulting in extended disability; r ema  Reserve recommendations exceeding (carrier authority) per enn a t g occurrence; s em  Department of Insurance, media and law enforcement inquiries; en  Coverage issues; t  Class action claim/suit;  Alleged sexual abuse, molestation or harassment;  Alleged asbestos, lead or electromagnetic-related injuries or other RRAdA toxic torts; esesd ppmm  Alleged fraud, or where NARS suspects fraud; onsonsinisin  Any written communication involving a consumer complaint regarding i is ibbtt rr iliaa claims handling by any party. l t itit t iviv iesi o Authority requests ese e o Upcoming trial dates • LLRs are to be completed regardless of whether there is an exposure, due to coverage and liability • LLR accuracy o Adjusters are to confirm the LLRs submitted to the carrier are accurate and Y M provide all the necessary information for the carrier to make an informed oura decision Wn a orgi n 19 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

s e l Administrative ip c in r Responsibilities P S R NA o LLRs are to be dropped into the file as a document and link it into the file notes  Summarize the LLR in the notes if warranted • Insuring company – Not the carrier program specialist o The insuring company is what is listed on the policy e • Historical indemnity reserve 6 months ago – place N/A if it’s before 6 months – not c n the initial reserve a i • Financials box – this document explains how you work with features paid on them – pl m use this as a reference Co o Paid to dates create an issue o The paids follows through on the total incurred o Current Recommended gross reserves = INCURRED t o Recommended gross reserves = INCURRED en  That # paid to date and recommended net ems • LLRs must be reviewed by the unit manager prior to being sent g t a en • The adjuster is to send the LLR to the carrier, via email, upon receipt of authority, n a em r with a cc to their unit manager e Mi c u n eq • Once the file reaches LLR status a m & R o Adjusters are required to submit an update every 90 days or f o There is a Strategic – the carrier LLR Update form in C3 letters er P o Utilize the latest form and update as needed  Update the highlighted areas with new information o We need to keep the 90-day statuses off of the report to the carrier, by being proactive, sending these notifications up and documenting the file prior e es ivi to the 90-day mark. t t i l a i • Please include your reserving philosophy r b t i is o Reserving to the ultimate exposure, not what you want to settle the case for inons o Put up the full exposure m p d es • BI / PIP File Requiring an LLR A R o The BI adjuster is required to complete the LLR up to the PIP portion on a claim where our PIP partners need authority from the carrier. o This includes coverage, liability, reserves, and facts of loss. o Once your portion of the LLR is completed, forward the updated LLR to the g k appropriate PIP adjuster to input their portion. n or o The PIP adjuster will send up the LLR to the carrier for authority. gi a W n a our M Y 20 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Administrative NA R S Responsibilities P r in c ip l e Direction From Carrier s • Adjusters are required to act within 24 - 48 hours of the receipt of direction and guidance received from the carrier and document same in the notes o Including updates on:  LLRs Co  Assignments of defense counsel for pre-suit investigation m  Assignment of coverage counsel pl i a n c New Evidence e • Adjusters are required to recognize and act on all new information received within 24 – 48 hours P o Including reserve modifications for: er f or  Property damage estimates & Rm eqa  Status of injuries and treatment n u c i e M r ema Reopens enn a t g s em • Files must remain open until all bills are paid en • Adjuster is to request the final bill from defense counsel for final billing payment t o As the adjuster, if you are not sure if the submitted billing is the final bill, please reach out to defense counsel for clarification RR AdA esesd pp mm onsonsinisin i is ibbtt rr iliaa l t itit t iviv iesi ese e Y M oura W n a or gi n 21 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

s e l Administrative ip c in r Responsibilities P S R NA e c n a i pl m Co t ens emt g a en n a em r e Mi c u n eq a m & R or f er P e es ivi t t i l a i r b t i is inons m p d es A R g k n or gi a W n a our M Y 22 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NA R Managing Your Work/Metrics S P r in c ip l e s Co m pl i a n c e P er f or & Rm eqa n uc ie M r ema enn a tg sem en t R A esd p m onsin i is b t r i a l t i t iv i ese YYM ououranM r a W Wagn a ororingi gn 23 kk g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

s e l ip c Managing Your Work/Metrics in r P S R NA e c n a i pl m Co t ens emt g a en n a em r e Mi c u n eq a m & R or f er P e es ivi t t i l a i r b t i is inons m p d es A R g k n or gi a W n a our M Y 24 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

A Aut ut Authority hor hor i t y it y Authority • Claims has an established authority process requirements with each program and carrier, which includes a roundtable discussion for high value or catastrophic claims. • At no time should an adjuster reserve or settle a claim above their authority without written approval by the carrier. D oc um Account Handling Instructions ent • Coverage position a t i o Must be reviewed and approved by the carrier on • RORS or Declinations o Must be approved by the carrier before they are sent • Any coverage position should be reviewed with the carrier • Any challenged denials must be reviewed with the carrier R es F p i Liability Deductible Module ons n i an b c i i • The liability deductible module must be populated on all accounts with a liability l al i t i deductible. es Reserving Philosophy • Initial reserves are to be set immediately upon review of a new loss, based on program requirements. T D i • Reserves are to be modified to ultimate immediately or authority to modify the ea m reserve must be requested immediately upon receipt of new information, from the d el i l nes i carrier via the use of a Large Loss Review (LLR). nes s & • The file must be documented every time it is reviewed by the adjuster, indicating whether the reserve is adequate or needs to be modified. o Documentation includes the email authority from the carrier. C us t om C l i er ent D & et 25 a i l Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

y t i Authority hor ut A Reserving Self Insured Retention (SIR) Claims • We will allow the claim to dictate which feature(s) are to be opened, in order to remain consistent with all other claims reporting. on i t • The adjuster will open the reserve for $1.00 on SIR claims and increase the reserve a to represent Gateway’s contribution if the exposure exceeds the SIR threshold. ent um • Reserves must be modified to ultimate within the first 90 days or as soon as oc D practicable o If new information is received the adjuster is required to complete the LLR within 48 hours es o This should be driven by injury status updates i t i al l i i c b ani n ons i p F es R & s nes i nesl i d elea m D i T s l i a &et D enter i l C om t 26 us C Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

A ut Documentation hor i t y Action Plans / To Do Lists • Adjusters are required to place an “action plan” or “to do list” in the file each time a note is entered. o The action plan must have meaningful action items to include what is D D necessary to bring the file to conclusion oc ocum um e ent n Check Settlement Summaries in All Files to Include (Indemnity Only): t a at t i i on a) Payee on b) Authority received from: c) Type: Regular Mail/Overnight d) Reason: Payment for ____ R es F e) Coverage Confirmed: Y or N p i ons n f) Liability i an b c i i l al i g) Address: t i h) Total check: $ es i. This includes any breakdown including betterment, deductible, etc. 1. Example: a) Iv estimate $1500 b) Deductible: $500 c) Betterment: $250 T d) Total payment: $750 D i ea m d el i l nes i nes s & C us t om C l i er ent D & et 27 a i l Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

y t i Documentation hor ut A on i t a ent um oc D es i t i al l i i c b ani n ons i p F es R & s nes i nesl i d elea m D i T s l i a &et D enter i l C om t 28 us C Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

A ut Financial Responsibilities hor i t y Releases and Payments • Program requirements must be followed for releases and payments. • Claim adjusters should not issue a check until they have confirmed the check is marked as “STOP PAY” in the claim system. D o Check approvers must verify the previous check was stopped prior to oc nd um approving the 2 check. o The unit manager and above has the power to override this process, in ent certain as needed circumstances. a t i Check Processing on • At no time should a check issuer also be the check printer and/or mail processor • At no time should anyone issue a check to a vendor without a 1099 or W9, without R receiving and entering the information into the C3. Re ess FFin pp i onson Vendor Payments n anan is c bib ic i al ial lil i • Payment to vendors must be made within 5 business days of the invoice receipt. tit i esie Subrogation s • Program handling their own subrogation o Reminder  Recovery • The carrier has their Subrogation Unit T D i ea m o Recognize subrogation potential immediately d el i o Utilize the subrogation referral form l nes i o Document the file notes with the subrogation referral nes s o Please make sure you submit it as soon as possible. Don’t wait & o Fire losses should immediately go to recovery – they will assist with experts etc… o We should receive a notice if the carrier subro rejects it o Alert the carrier subro team of closures etc… C us t NARS handling subrogation om C l i o Adjusters are required to identify subrogation potential as soon as possible er ent o Open subrogation module in the claim system as soon as subrogation is D & identified et 29 a i l Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

y t i Financial Responsibilities hor ut A on i t a ent um oc D es i t i al l i i c b ani n ons i p F es R & s nes i nesl i d elea m D i T s l i a &et D enter i l C om t 30 us C Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

A ut Timeliness & Deadlines hor i t y Respond to voicemails timely • If you receive a voicemail before noon, it should be returned the same day. • If you receive a voicemail after noon, it should be returned no later than the next business day by noon. D • Documentation of all returned voicemails should be placed in the file notes. oc um ent General Expectations a t i on • If you are considering moving to another address, you must adhere to the policy outlined in the Employee Handbook. • Adjusters shall respond to all managers’ requests with urgency within 2 business hours. R • Email notifications should be turned on to ensure that important emails are timely es F p i received. ons n i an • Review all mail/email/fax correspondence within 2 business days of receipt. b c i i l al o Notify management immediately of i t i  Serious injuries es  Lawsuits  Vehicle titles  Policy demands.  Any type of timed demand response o Documentation of receipt of the document should be notated in the file T T D i along with the sender information and what action is necessary. eaD m im o Send demands to [email protected] d eaelel i l d nesines • Respond to all mail/email/fax correspondence within 10 calendar days of receipt i l including all medical and attorney liens unless the state requirements indicate that a nesinesss & & quicker response time is mandatory. • The adjuster must respond to all correspondence as guided by the accident state regulations or policy regulations, whichever are stricter. • Responses must be documented in the claim file, along with the actions taken by the adjuster and accompanied by an updated Action Plan. C us t om C l i er ent D & et 31 a i l Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

y t i Timeliness & Deadlines hor ut A • Maintain current diaries/diaries on all open claim files. o Adjuster diaries should have substance and meaning.  Diaries should not be left blank or vague and should reflect the Action Plan on  Adjusters should not have more than 25 expired diaries in their i t workstation at any time that are more than 2 business days old. a o Adjusters and managers shall not extend a diary from one date to another ent without taking any action on the file. In other words, no bouncing of diaries. um oc D Training and guidance will be provided • If you require assistance, need additional guidance or training, it is your responsibility to notify your manager immediately. es • Once notified your manager will provide the requested assistance or schedule the i t i required training, if necessary. al l i i c b ani n ons While out of the office i p F es o Adjusters are required to change their voicemail and email to reflect that they R will be out of the office, including the dates. o If the adjuster will be out of the office for an extended period, a return date shall be stated in their message. o Example of Voicemail recording & s nes  Out of office: i nesl ● Hello, you have reached the desk of ___________. I am sorry that I i d elea am unable to answer your call at this time as I am out of the office m D i from __________ to ________. Please leave a message and someone T will return your call as soon as they are available. • Away from your desk: • Hello, you have reached the desk of ___________. I am sorry that I s am unable to answer your call at this time, as I am either away l from my desk or assisting another customer. Please leave a i a detailed message including your name, claim number, telephone &et number with area code and a brief message explaining the reason D enter for your call and I will return your call as soon as I become i l C om available. t 32 us C Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

A ut Timeliness & Deadlines hor i t y • Example of Email response • Out of office with minimal access to email: • Please be advised that I am out of the office with limited access to email starting ___________ through _______. I will be returning to the office on ___________. If this is an D emergency, please reach out to one of the following people oc below. um • Provide a name or list of names while you are out, in ent the body of the email. a t i • Out of office with No access to email on • Please be advised that I am out of the office with no access to email starting ___________ through _______. I will be returning to the office on ___________. If this is an emergency, please reach out to one of the following people R below. es F p i • Provide a name or list of names while you are out, in ons n the body of the email. i an b c i i At all times the adjuster should conduct him or herself in a l al i t i professional manner es o We expect you to always conduct yourself in a professional manner, including in dress, punctuality, demeanor, and confidentiality. o You will be responsible for maintaining a professional rapport through your T T D i employment at NARS. eaD m im d eaelel i l d nesines o At no time should an employee utilize any vendor access for personal use i l nesinesss including but not limited to: & &  ISO  TLO  Accurint  ISG C  LexisNexis us t  NICB om C l i o If you have any questions or need additional assistance regarding a specific er ent state regulation, please go to Claim Toolkit in C3. D & et 33 a i l Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

y t i Timeliness & Deadlines hor ut A on i t a ent um oc D es i t i al l i i c b ani n ons i p F es R & s nes i nesl i d elea m D i T s l i a &et D enter i l C om t 34 us C Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

A ut Client & Customer Details hor i t y As a boutique third-party administrator, NARS is committed to tailoring business services and handling requirements to meet the unique needs of our clients. Expectations and D oc procedures vary from customer-to-customer. Account um Handling Instructions are a critical tool which must be ent a t reviewed, understood, and followed to help ensure i successful service delivery consistent with client on expectations on a claim-by-claim basis. R es F p i ons n Account Handling Instructions (specific to client) i an b c i i l al • List specific programs to be managed by team i t i • Address common expectations and requirements es T D i ea m d el i l nes i nes s & CCu uss t to Cl ommeCie l i err entn D t De & & ett 35 aail i l Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade ss Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

y t i Client & Customer Details hor ut A on i t a ent um oc D es i t i al l i i c b ani n ons i p F es R & s nes i nesl i d elea m D i T s l i a &et D enter i l C om t 36 us C Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

A ut Client & Customer Details hor i t y D oc um ent a t i on R es F p i ons n i an b c i i l al i t i es T D i ea m d el i l nes i nes s & C us t om C l i er ent D & et 37 a i l Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NA R Back Cover S P r in c ip l e s Co m pl i a n c e P er f or & Rm eqa n uc ie M r ema enn a tg sem en t R A esd p m onsin i is b t r i a l t i t iv i ese Y M oura Wn a orgi n k g