NA R Compliance S P r in c ip l e NARS requires all management and employees of the s organization to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, and standards that apply to the company. All aspects of business are to be conducted ethically, with integrity, and CoC mom in compliance with the law. plp il aia nnc Compliance is ensured through the design, development, and c implementation of policies, processes, and procedures. ee Additionally: Licensing is required for many jurisdictions and individual P er f or jobs throughout the organization. Each employee must be & Rm eqa n aware of the licensing requirements for their position and u c i e M r ema must obtain and maintain appropriate licensing and enn a t g accreditation. This includes meeting continuing s em en educational requirements where applicable. See Licensing t Guidelines (NARS University link) Claims Toolkit should also be referenced when seeking R esA specific information regarding compliance requirements d p m with certain jurisdictions or business lines. onsin i is b t r i a l t i All Data and Informational reporting must be managed t iv i ese and completed timely, accurately, and in accordance with legal and regulatory standards and requirements. Y M oura Wn a orgi n 7 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.