Administrative NA R S Responsibilities P r in c ip l e o Coverage issues s  In the coverage section it is very important to note the following:  What symbol applies and why  Confirm the policy documents have been received and were dropped into the claim file  Do not include the entire Auto Coverage Template Co ● This is for the file notes only m pl o Reserve requests i a n o Injuries, including, but not limited to: c  Damages expected to exceed (carrier authority) per occurrence; e  Death;  Severe burns;  Loss of sight, smell or taste; P  Brain injury; er f or  Paralysis; & Rm eqa  Amputation; n u c i e M  Multiple injuries resulting in extended disability; r ema  Reserve recommendations exceeding (carrier authority) per enn a t g occurrence; s em  Department of Insurance, media and law enforcement inquiries; en  Coverage issues; t  Class action claim/suit;  Alleged sexual abuse, molestation or harassment;  Alleged asbestos, lead or electromagnetic-related injuries or other RRAdA toxic torts; esesd ppmm  Alleged fraud, or where NARS suspects fraud; onsonsinisin  Any written communication involving a consumer complaint regarding i is ibbtt rr iliaa claims handling by any party. l t itit t iviv iesi o Authority requests ese e o Upcoming trial dates • LLRs are to be completed regardless of whether there is an exposure, due to coverage and liability • LLR accuracy o Adjusters are to confirm the LLRs submitted to the carrier are accurate and Y M provide all the necessary information for the carrier to make an informed oura decision Wn a orgi n 19 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NARS Playbook - Adjusters - Page 19 NARS Playbook - Adjusters Page 18 Page 20