s e l Administrative ip c in r Responsibilities P S R NA o LLRs are to be dropped into the file as a document and link it into the file notes Summarize the LLR in the notes if warranted • Insuring company – Not the carrier program specialist o The insuring company is what is listed on the policy e • Historical indemnity reserve 6 months ago – place N/A if it’s before 6 months – not c n the initial reserve a i • Financials box – this document explains how you work with features paid on them – pl m use this as a reference Co o Paid to dates create an issue o The paids follows through on the total incurred o Current Recommended gross reserves = INCURRED t o Recommended gross reserves = INCURRED en That # paid to date and recommended net ems • LLRs must be reviewed by the unit manager prior to being sent g t a en • The adjuster is to send the LLR to the carrier, via email, upon receipt of authority, n a em r with a cc to their unit manager e Mi c u n eq • Once the file reaches LLR status a m & R o Adjusters are required to submit an update every 90 days or f o There is a Strategic – the carrier LLR Update form in C3 letters er P o Utilize the latest form and update as needed Update the highlighted areas with new information o We need to keep the 90-day statuses off of the report to the carrier, by being proactive, sending these notifications up and documenting the file prior e es ivi to the 90-day mark. t t i l a i • Please include your reserving philosophy r b t i is o Reserving to the ultimate exposure, not what you want to settle the case for inons o Put up the full exposure m p d es • BI / PIP File Requiring an LLR A R o The BI adjuster is required to complete the LLR up to the PIP portion on a claim where our PIP partners need authority from the carrier. o This includes coverage, liability, reserves, and facts of loss. o Once your portion of the LLR is completed, forward the updated LLR to the g k appropriate PIP adjuster to input their portion. n or o The PIP adjuster will send up the LLR to the carrier for authority. gi a W n a our M Y 20 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.