Administrative NA R S Responsibilities P r in c ip l e Direction From Carrier s • Adjusters are required to act within 24 - 48 hours of the receipt of direction and guidance received from the carrier and document same in the notes o Including updates on: LLRs Co Assignments of defense counsel for pre-suit investigation m Assignment of coverage counsel pl i a n c New Evidence e • Adjusters are required to recognize and act on all new information received within 24 – 48 hours P o Including reserve modifications for: er f or Property damage estimates & Rm eqa Status of injuries and treatment n u c i e M r ema Reopens enn a t g s em • Files must remain open until all bills are paid en • Adjuster is to request the final bill from defense counsel for final billing payment t o As the adjuster, if you are not sure if the submitted billing is the final bill, please reach out to defense counsel for clarification RR AdA esesd pp mm onsonsinisin i is ibbtt rr iliaa l t itit t iviv iesi ese e Y M oura W n a or gi n 21 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.