Performance Management NA R S P & Requirements r in c ip l e • Complete a Large Loss Review (LLR) for reserve modifications to be sent to the carrier s representative for authority, unless otherwise approved by the carrier. • Utilize the appropriate BI evaluation summary and authority requests. • Adhere to the authority previously discussed with management and the carrier if applicable. Co m pl • Once authority is provided, an offer must be extended verbally and in writing within 5 i a business days of receipt of authority. n c • Low impact collisions require photos of the insured’s vehicle. e • A check summary shall be completed upon the issuance of an indemnity payment. P er • If a property damage subrogation claim is received from another carrier, on a claim with f or a corresponding bodily injury, the property damage feature should be assigned to the & Rm eq a n u c bodily injury adjuster to negotiate and settle or deny liability, whichever is necessary. i e M r em a en n a Litigation Handling t g s em Upon receipt of a lawsuit immediately update the lawsuit log and notify management of receipt of en a lawsuit. t • When a lawsuit is received, the response date should be examined by the adjuster to determine if such requires immediate or expedited attention. R es A d • The file notes should be updated under the topic Litigation with the following basic suit p m onsin information. i is b t r • Case Number: i a l t i t iv i • Service Date: es e • County Filed: • Response Date: • Parties: • Demand Amount: • Once the file is updated to reflect that the suit was received, the adjuster shall send Y M oura documents to the designated email address for new lawsuits ([email protected] n ) and W a CC their unit manager. or gi n 13 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.