s e l Performance Management ip c in r & Requirements P S R NA • Determine liability by evaluating police reports, driver, passenger and witness statements, damage to vehicles, social media, or other media sources regarding the loss, etc. • Liability should be determined utilizing the negligence laws in the accident state (for e example, contributory, pure comparative, or modified comparative negligence). c n • Send statutory letters as required by the accident state. a i pl • Management shall be notified immediately of any policy or time limit demands m regardless of the method of receipt. Co • All demands shall be acknowledged, reviewed, and escalated for authority (if necessary) within 3 business days of demand due date. t • All demands received by the adjuster or clerical team must be forwarded to the en s Litigation Manager within 8 business hours of receipt. em t g a en n a em • All demands shall be sent via email to [email protected] r e Mi c u n eq a • Immediately notify management of losses involving serious injuries. m & R or f o Such injuries include, but may not be limited to: er P 1. Amputations 2. Loss of sight/hearing 3. Burns e es 4. Multiple fractures or a single fracture requiring surgery and hardware iv i placement. t t i l a i 5. Severe scarring r b t i 6. Brain trauma is in ons 7. Fatality m p 8. Spinal surgeries d es A R 9. Paralysis 10. Any claim with the potential value of: • $100,000 or more for limits > $1,000,000 11. Injuries requiring surgery. k • Complete a FLASH Notification to be sent to the carrier and MGA representatives as g instructed in the program requirements. n or gi a W n a our M Y 12 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.