Performance Management NA R S P & Requirements r in c ip l e • We need to get recorded statements on first calls with claimant drivers as well as s passengers and other witnesses, when possible. • If an attorney is involved for either the opposing party or our insured, the adjuster should ask the attorney for their client’s cooperation in obtaining a statement. Physical Damage Handling Co m • Use the method of inspection including the quick estimate feature for all estimates pl i a except for potential total losses or non-drivable vehicles. n c • Monitor non-drivable vehicles; move vehicles to a storage-free location whenever e possible to avoid excessive storage charges. • Monitor all rentals through the Enterprise Rent A Car portal (ARMS), especially when the vehicle is a total loss. P • Complete Risk Review to MGA if applicable er f • If the insured vehicle is a total loss, complete a risk review form and advise the or & Rm insured to contact their agent to discuss removing that vehicle’s insurance from eq a n u c the policy. i e M r • Review all estimates within 2 business days of receipt. em a en n a o Once the Adjuster has reviewed the estimate, and confirmed coverage and t g s em liability issues have been resolved, payment shall be issued. en • W9s for payments to repair facilities are required. t o At that point, the adjuster may also remove any corresponding diaries for the estimate. o At any given time, another claims professional should be able to pick up that R claim, review the diary and “To Do List”, and know the next steps to bring the es A d claim to conclusion. p m • Create Action Plan (To do list) – the Action Plan should list all items required to onsin i is b t conclude the claim. r i a l t i • Adjusters must document the authorization of tows and advance charges, including t iv i es e negotiations, authority, in the file notes. Bodily Injury Handling • When there are injuries with a low impact, an inspection of both the insured and claimant’s vehicles should take place, regardless of whether there is physical damage Y M coverage or not. oura W n a or gi n 11 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.