A ut Timeliness & Deadlines hor i t y Respond to voicemails timely • If you receive a voicemail before noon, it should be returned the same day. • If you receive a voicemail after noon, it should be returned no later than the next business day by noon. D • Documentation of all returned voicemails should be placed in the file notes. oc um ent General Expectations a t i on • If you are considering moving to another address, you must adhere to the policy outlined in the Employee Handbook. • Adjusters shall respond to all managers’ requests with urgency within 2 business hours. R • Email notifications should be turned on to ensure that important emails are timely es F p i received. ons n i an • Review all mail/email/fax correspondence within 2 business days of receipt. b c i i l al o Notify management immediately of i t i Serious injuries es Lawsuits Vehicle titles Policy demands. Any type of timed demand response o Documentation of receipt of the document should be notated in the file T T D i along with the sender information and what action is necessary. eaD m im o Send demands to [email protected] d eaelel i l d nesines • Respond to all mail/email/fax correspondence within 10 calendar days of receipt i l including all medical and attorney liens unless the state requirements indicate that a nesinesss & & quicker response time is mandatory. • The adjuster must respond to all correspondence as guided by the accident state regulations or policy regulations, whichever are stricter. • Responses must be documented in the claim file, along with the actions taken by the adjuster and accompanied by an updated Action Plan. C us t om C l i er ent D & et 31 a i l Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.