NAN NARS Principles RAR SS P P rr ininc c ipip ll ees The NARS Employee Handbook has been prepared to inform s all employees of the policies and procedures of NARS. You will want to familiarize yourself with the Handbook and should refer to it when you have questions about Company Co m pl policies. Specific questions regarding any NARS policies may i a n c also be referred to your manager or Human Resources. e All NARS employees are expected to: P ● Act honestly, ethically, and in good faith at all times er f or ● Comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations of all & Rm eqa n u c governmental entities and private and public regulatory i e M r ema enn agencies, including all insurance departments having a t g s em jurisdiction over NARS en ● Maintain all company records accurately, truthfully, and t in a timely manner ● Avoid apparent conflicts of interest in personal and R A esd professional relationships p m onsin ● Maintain the highest standards in all matters relating to i is b t r i a l t i accounting, financial controls t iv i ese ● Adhere to NARS policies, guidelines, and timelines ● Protect the confidentiality of NARS work product and proprietary information of NARS and our customers ● Promote a culture of honesty and accountability Y M oura Wn a orgi n 5 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.