A ut Documentation hor i t y Action Plans / To Do Lists • Adjusters are required to place an “action plan” or “to do list” in the file each time a note is entered. o The action plan must have meaningful action items to include what is D D necessary to bring the file to conclusion oc ocum um e ent n Check Settlement Summaries in All Files to Include (Indemnity Only): t a at t i i on a) Payee on b) Authority received from: c) Type: Regular Mail/Overnight d) Reason: Payment for ____ R es F e) Coverage Confirmed: Y or N p i ons n f) Liability i an b c i i l al i g) Address: t i h) Total check: $ es i. This includes any breakdown including betterment, deductible, etc. 1. Example: a) Iv estimate $1500 b) Deductible: $500 c) Betterment: $250 T d) Total payment: $750 D i ea m d el i l nes i nes s & C us t om C l i er ent D & et 27 a i l Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NARS Playbook - Adjusters - Page 27 NARS Playbook - Adjusters Page 26 Page 28