NARS Playbook - Managers

NAR Sr P incipl es PLAYBOOK C oplm ianc e Pfre & Rmanor euqec irmeeaM ntgna s mee nt RspemAd onsibilstini itivrta NARS Playbook ies e Front Cover Managers 2023 uroYMa Wgna okr ing

se iplinc rS P NARS Playbook ARN The NARS Playbook is intended to be a reference guide e for all members of the NARS team. Each section ianc contains information outlining key operational areas and plom accompanying expectations of employees. C Business lines and departments may supplement this Playbook to include specific requirements and tn expectations on an individual position, team, or megents departmental basis. aanme Me uire c Req manfor& rPe iveies trait stinionsibil mAdResp ingork gna W MaYuro 2 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NAR Table of Contents rS P incipl NARS Principles 5 es Compliance 7 Performance Management & Requirement 9 C Onboarding New Hires 11 plom Temp Employee Management 12 ianc Departing Employee Procedure 12 e Administrative Responsibilities 13 Managing Your Work 15 P eofr Authority 19 R&manr Documentation 21 euqec irmeeaM Financial Responsibilities 23 tngna smee Timeliness/Deadlines 25 tn Client/Customer Details 27 RspemAd onsibilstini itivrta ies e YuroMa Wgna 3 okr ing Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

se iplinc rS P ARN e iancpl mo C tn megents aanme Me uire c Req manfor& rPe iveies trait stinionsibil mAdResp ingork gna W MaYuro 4 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NARAN NARS Principles PSP SR rinccrin iplelepi The NARS Employee Handbook has been prepared to inform ss all employees of the policies and procedures of NARS. You will want to familiarize yourself with the Handbook and C should refer to it when you have questions about Company plmo policies. Specific questions regarding any NARS policies may ianc also be referred to your manager or Human Resources. e All NARS employees are expected to: ● Act honestly, ethically, and in good faith at all times frPe ● Comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations of all & Rmanor euqec governmental entities and private and public regulatory meeiraM agencies, including all insurance departments having tngna jurisdiction over NARS s mee ● Maintain all company records accurately, truthfully, and nt in a timely manner ● Avoid apparent conflicts of interest in personal and speRmAd professional relationships o ini ● Maintain the highest standards in all matters relating to nsibilrst accounting, financial controls ieitivat ● Adhere to NARS policies, guidelines, and timelines s e ● Protect the confidentiality of NARS work product and proprietary information of NARS and our customers ● Promote a culture of honesty and accountability Y Ma ourna Woingg 5 rk Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

se iplinc NARS Principles rS P ARN e iancpl mo C tn megents aanme Me uire c Req manfor& rPe iveies trait stinionsibil mAdResp ingork gna W MaYuro 6 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NAR Compliance r PS incipl NARS requires all management and employees of the es organization to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, and standards that apply to the company. All aspects of business are to be conducted ethically, with integrity, and CC in compliance with the law. plompmo Compliance is ensured through the design, development, and iancncali implementation of policies, processes, and procedures. ee Additionally: ▪ Licensing is required for many jurisdictions and individual freP jobs throughout the organization. Each employee must be R&manor aware of the licensing requirements for their position and ueqec must obtain and maintain appropriate licensing and irmeeaM ntgna accreditation. This includes meeting continuing s mee educational requirements where applicable. See Licensing nt Guidelines (NARS University link) ▪ Claims Toolkit should also be referenced when seeking specific information regarding compliance requirements spRemAd with certain jurisdictions or business lines. onsibilstini ▪ All Data and Informational reporting must be managed itivrta and completed timely, accurately, and in accordance with ies e legal and regulatory standards and requirements. YuroMa Wgna 7 okr ing Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

se iplincCompliance rS P ARN e iancpl mo C tn megents aanme Me uire c Req manfor& rPe iveies trait stinionsibil mAdResp ingork gna W MaYuro 8 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Performance Management NAR Sr P & Requirements iplinc Performance Management es • Employees are an extremely important asset o Completing time related reviews is critical o Managers must complete all time related employee reviews prior to the deadline ▪ This includes C • Completing the template in Paycom plmo • Submitting the review to human resources for approval • Obtaining authority for any potential salary increases ianc o Please follow the Annual Performance Review Process e • Discussing the results with the employee • Returning the completed review to human resources in Paycom • Set expectations regarding metrics weekly • Identify what a top performer looks like rePreP o Someone who consistently exceeds expectations &&manrofmrof o Someone who consistently exceeds metric goals e ReR na o Someone who mentors less experienced peers iruqriuqM ec ec • What does everyone need to do to get there? meemenanaM o Show consistent work quality stntneegaega o Exhibit decision-making abilities s nmeem o Exhibit problem solving skills t tn o Displays self-direction o Demonstrates good people skills o Works well under pressure • What are you going to do to performance people up? speRmAd o Exhibit a personal interest in employee career goals o ini ▪ Provide positive feedback whenever possible nsibilrst • This extremely important to the development of your employees a ▪ Show career path ieiteivt ▪ Delegate additional responsibilities s ▪ Special project assistance o Document positive feedback in the employee performance folder o Identify and mentor top performers to help them grow into a more experienced position that will complement their skills and personality YuroMa W gna 9 okr ing Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

se Performance Management iplinc rS P & Requirements ARN o Every employee’s performance should be reviewed regularly ▪ Examples: • Utilize the daily pending report • QARs (Quality Assurance Reviews) • Frequent file reviews e • Managers should take the time to review files submitted for authority ianc • Managers will be responsible for identifying the following: pl o Top performers mo o Performance issues o Training C o Mentoring o Documentation • Managers are expected to meet on performance issues with their lowest performers on a weekly basis. tn o If an adjuster does not close 100% for more than 2 weeks in a row or too meets many complaint calls, queue is out of control, etc.… The manager must gnan address the issues directly with the employee a Mireme o Manager is to meet with the adjusters that are not performing and provide ecqu guidance, additional training, and mentoring mane R o Manager is to send the adjuster a meeting recap email and store the email in rfo& the adjuster’s performance folder rPe ▪ Examples: • Unreturned call complaints • Queue mismanagement • Missed demands • Consistently failing to meet goals and metrics e ies • Excessive avoidable DOI complaints ivtit • Unreturned calls ar • Unprofessional behavior st nsibil o Issues for 3 - 4 weeks in a row or a pattern should be reviewed for a possible inimo verbal discussion Ad spe ▪ Discussions should be brief, documented each week and sent to R management ▪ 10 minutes per employee • Weekly Macro o Staff member: o Issue at hand: o Remedy: kr o Upon the initial identification of a performance issue, the manager will discuss inggo the matter with the employee and maintain documentation of same naur W MaYo 10 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Performance Management NAR & Requirements Sr P incipl o Upon the secondary identification of the same continuous issue, the manager will es complete the company performance plan including the following: ▪ Performance plan must include, but is not limited to: • Examples: o A complete summary of the issue(s) o Documentation of issue(s) history oC o Dates and times of prior performance discussions plm o Email trails ianc o Claim file notes o Date of next bi-weekly performance status e o Performance plan end date o Normally 60 to 90 days from the initial performance plan discussion o Once the information is gathered and the performance plan is created, authority freP to proceed with the plan must be obtained by management, and including HR R&manro o Once management and HR approve the performance plan, the manager will meet qec with the employee and go over all the documentation as well as the performance eiruM e plan nmeana o Management will then review the documentation and submit the information to stmeeg Human Resources (HR) and/or Deby Velez for approval to address whether n termination is necessary t o Managers must maintain a separate performance folder for their employees o Manager involvement is KEY! ▪ You must be the one to identify the lower performers and do something about it spRemAd Onboarding New Hires onsibilstini • Managers are expected to contact new hires 1 week prior to start date it ivtra • Once onboarding and initial NARS training has been completed, Manager must meet sie e with the new hire to go over adjuster process and expectations o Managers must send an email confirmation to the new hire with the process and expectations and request a response stating the new hire understands the process and expectations. • Link the new employee to a peer for guidance and questions Y • Add new employee to Teams group uronaMa • Managers are set up daily 15 –30 minute 1:1 meetings with new hire W o This should be as often as necessary and then move to a weekly cadence roging 11 k Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

se Performance Management iplinc rS P & Requirements ARN Temp Employee Management • Managers are responsible to ensure that temp employees are working during their expected hours • Managers are to spot audit claims handled by temps to ensure claim handling is appropriate, addressing any issues that may arise e • Manager must review and approve temp timecards within 24 hours of receipt iancpl Departing Employee Procedure mo • The following steps will need to be taken immediately by the manager: C o Notify HR immediately o HR will cut off system access immediately o Voicemail and emails will be redirected to manager tn megents aanme Me uire c Req manfor& rPe iveies trait stinionsibil mAdResp ingork gna W MaYuro 12 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Administrative NAR Responsibilities rS P incipl Time off requests es • Time off requests must be submitted to the manager viaemail for prior approval before submitting the request to Paycom • Upon receipt of the emailed request, the manager will review their calendar and C verify how many employees are scheduled to be off on that given date mo • Rule of thumb is no more than a 1/3 of the unit is to be scheduled out of the office pl on any given day ianc • The manager will then approve or decline the time off request via email and notify e the employee • Employee is to submit their time off request viaPaycom once approved by management • Manager to update calendar • The manager will notify management of the calendar updates fPre & Rmanor Vacation / PTO ueqec o Managers are to ensure phones, v/m, metrics (urgent documents) are meireaM reviewed daily for anyone on PTO. tngna o Try to avoid assigning new losses to anyone on PTO or have other adjusters s mee nt work the losses in that adjuster’s name while they are out. ▪ This includes: • The entire new loss set up o ECLDA R • Contact to all parties speRspemdAmAd • Sending letters o ini • Action plan onsnsibilstraniist o Managers are to assist other managers while they are on PTO liiibittivtar ▪ This includes: stiesiee eiv • Phones / VM • Metrics • Reserves and payment approvals • Authority requests • Adjuster mentoring o This allows everyone the opportunity to enjoy their time off and not worry uroYMa about coming back to a high volume of work na Woingg 13 rk Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

se Administrative iplinc rS P Responsibilities ARN e iancpl mo C tn megents aanme Me uire c Req manfor& rPe iveies trait stinionsibil mAdResp ingork gna W MaYuro 14 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NAR Managing Your Work rS P incipl Daily reviews of queues, mail, v/m, metrics, & faxes es • Every morning the manager is required to check the adjuster metrics in C3 • If the adjuster falls behind, you will need to address it immediately and mentor them • You must assist, however, if the assistance becomes habit forming then you will C need to address the issues further mo • Manager to send an email to the adjuster summarizing the discussion outcome pl • Manager must maintain discussion documentation for training and performance ianc purposes e Weekly reviews of pending The manager will receive a weekly pending report • Focus on 100% closure fPre • Guiding the adjusters in the right direction while providing: R&manor o Additional training if necessary uqeec o A mentoring relationship meeiraM o Mentoring is a relationship between two people with the goal of professional tn gan and personal development s mee o The mentor (manager) is usually an experienced individual who shares tn knowledge, experience, and advise with a less experienced person or mentee Managerial Involvement a) Managers are required to review files every 90 days and document the file speRmAd including a review of the following: I. Coverage onsibilstini II. Liability ar III. Exposures ieiteivt 1. Phys dam s 2. Property damage 3. Injuries IV. Litigation V. Providing guidance to adjusters including what is necessary to bring the file to conclusion uoYoY aMMa VI. If guidance is provided, the manager must act and follow up rur n VII.Direction must have substance and meaning W W igagna 15 okrkro gn ing Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

se iplincManaging Your Work rS P ARN Policy Demands (PDEM) and Time Limit Demands • The manager will receive the policy and time demands via email or they will be given to you if they are received via fax e o Upon receipt of a policy or time demand, please have the adjuster notify ianc [email protected] pl o Also, please notify the carrier immediately (Berkley as an example) mo o Review the evaluation immediately for additional necessary information ▪ Request that information from plaintiff’s counsel C o If no new information is required to evaluate the claim, the adjuster must review the specials and request authority within 5 business days to allow the manager time to review for authority t • The manager will need to verify the following: n o Nature of injuries megents o Confirm reserve is accurately modified to ultimate aan ▪ If the reserve is not appropriate the adjuster, will adjust the reserve M irmee or send a request to the carrier as a Large Loss Review (LLR) to have ecequ the reserve modified to ultimate man R • The manager will impose a self-timed response date of 2 weeks for the adjuster to rrfo& request authority or request additional information eP o This is regarding demands without a specific time frame requested by the attorney/claimant • If there is a time demand, then the response date is due to the manager for either authority or additional documentation 5 days prior to the time demand date set forth by the attorney/claimant e ies o This will allow time for the manager to review and request authority if ivatit necessary rst • The manager will need to set a calendar diary for the adjuster and for yourself to inionsibil ensure these dates are not missed mAdRespClaim Reviews with MGA and carrier • Managers are to ensure that their teams are fully prepared for claim reviews with MGAs, agents, insureds, and carriers. • Managers will be required to obtain the list of claims at least 1 - 2 week(s) prior to the review. o The list of claims is to be shared with the team, along with a blank Claim k Summary Template ingro • Adjusters must complete a Claim Summary Template for each of the claims on the g W presentation list and submit the Claim Summary Template to their respective naur manager at least 2 days prior to the claim review. MaYo 16 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NAR Managing Your Work rS P incipl • The manager will manage the claim review meeting and introduce each adjuster, who es will present their specific claim to the group. • Once the adjuster has completed their review, the manager will ask if anyone has any questions and move on to the next claim, until all claims on the list have been discussed. C • Managers will take notes for any takeaways during the meeting and will then be plmo responsible for ensuring the answers are provided to the group. ianc Unit Meetings e • Managers must have at least 1 documented scheduled meeting with their unit at least once every week o Agendas should be included in the meeting invite with an opportunity for employees to contribute freP o Meeting minutes must be e-mailed to everyone within the unit and cc’d to their R&manro manager/director e qiruM ec 1:1 and Unit Meetings emena nstega • Managers are required to have 1:1 meetings with their individual adjusters for at least nme 15 minutes each week. t Roundtable Process Our group will schedule one RT per week for all teams reporting up through me. I will set a date and time and invite you. Please make sure that you invite the necessary adjusters to speRmAd present their files to the roundtable. o ini Criteria to RT nsibilrst • Claims with a value over 250k ieitivat • Time limit/policy limit demands in Texas, Florida, South Carolina, California (998), and s e Georgia, etc., that we are going to reject o Any other seriously liberal venue o Objective is to avoid a bad decision Please make sure that these are roundtabled early in the process and not the day before the demand is due. Y Ma ourna Woingg 17 rk Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

se iplincManaging Your Work rS P ARN Who to Include: • Include Director, Chief Claims Officer and the other line of business directors on the invites as optional. e Cases going to trial need to be set with the complex team. iancpl mo C tn megents aanme Me uire c Req manfor& rPe iveies trait stinionsibil mAdResp ingork gna W MaYuro 18 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Aut uthA Authority rho o ity tyri Authority Requests • Managers are to respond to all authority requests within 24 hours of receipt. • Submit authority requests via email with a document over your authority to the coD transportation director for review with the following information: um o Venue ent o Attorney represented ioat o Attorney must be properly documented in Parties Involved in Claim Center n with No TIN Role if applicable or Attorney/Law Firm Role if we have the Tax ID already, Role must be related to the Exposure they represent. o Limits o Any limits issues? speR o Any coverage or limits issues? nsibiloinancF o Liability o Negligence ial o Jurisdiction sieit o Was ISO run? o If UM o Have we rec’d proof of UM o Reserve amount o DOL o Injured party name D imT o Amount of Specials e e o Breakout the lost wages separately inedlainel o Injuries ss • The original authority request from the adjuster should be forwarded to s & management with the manager’s recommendations. Settlement and Reserving Authority • Settlement and reserve authority is based up client handling instructions Cust oem ielC rD & nt 19 ileat Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

yrit Authority ho Aut ntio ant eum cDo itsie ial inancFnsibilo spRe &s ss inedline leea imTD stail & De ntliemer C o 20 ustC Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Aut Documentation rho ity Manager Guidance on New Losses ● Managers are required to document guidance for adjusters in the notes. This will help with your manager metrics as well as provide much needed guidance to your teams All Claims coDcoD Adjuster needs to: um u ● Contact named insured (NI) and insured driver (ID) -confirm Facts of Loss (FOL), e nem insured vehicle (IV) & ID tantatt ● Example all applicable coverages to the insured and document same in the notes nionoi ● Confirm coverage and liability and update claim tree ● Order police report if necessary ● Open and set reserves accordingly ● Do initial status report ● If IV has damage, see if NI is claiming the damages and have them send in photos speR and estimate for review and monitor for supplement nsibiloinancF ● Contact claimant –rule out serious injuries and obtain damage information, including setting up appraisal ial ● Send mitigation letter and all applicable statutory letters sieit ● If coverage and liability are accepted have claimant send in photos and estimate for review, monitor for supplement and rental ● Sent all necessary statutory letters Cargo Claims T Adjuster needs to: aeDeim ● Confirm coverage dl inel ● Contact named insured (NI) and confirm facts of loss siness ● Obtain the bill of lading (BOL) & ● Determine liability and update negligence in the claim tree ● Contact owner of cargo and obtain the value of the damaged cargo ● Set reserves accordingly ● Send mitigation letter and all applicable statutory letters ● Do Initial Status Report C ● If loss is covered send release to claimant, once release signed and returned pay oust and close m C ● If loss is not covered send denial letter re ntlie eD & 21 silta Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

yrit Documentation ho Aut Wrongful Repos Adjuster needs to: • Confirm coverage n • Contact named insured (NI) and confirm facts of loss iot • Send mitigation letter and all applicable statutory letters a • Obtain contract from lienholder with NI to repo vehicle nte • See if NI took photos when they picked up the vehicle and when they um delivered it co • Determine if claim is owed D • Set reserves accordingly • Do initial status report • If owed, handle the damages accordingly • If not, send denial letter • Update negligence in claim tree itsie ial inancFnsibilo spRe & s ss inedline le ea imTD stail & De ntliemer C o 22 ustC Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Aut Financial Responsibilities rho ity Reserving Philosophy • Reserves are to be established in accordance with NARS Claims Handling Timelines and based on program requirements. Reserves should contemplate the most likely outcome of the claim, including anticipated expenses. coD • Reserves should be re-evaluated promptly when new information material to the ume anticipated value and/or costs of the claim are received. Modifications are to be tant made in accordance with NARS Claim Handling Timelines and program nio requirements. Authority to modify the reserve must be requested from the carrier via the use of a Large Loss Review (LLR). • The file must be documented every time it is reviewed by the adjuster, indicating R whether the reserve is adequate or needs to be modified. speRpesF onsibilnoFinancni o Documentation includes the email authority from the carrier. bis ialcna itieitili lai Check Processing ses • At no time should a check issuer also be the check printer and/or mail processor • At no time should anyone issue a check to a vendor without a 1099 or W9, without receiving and entering the information into the C3. • There are various funding requirements which may be required based on amount of eD imT reserve or payment. Account Handling Instructions and/or the client contract will dla inele address funding requirements and should be reviewed prior to completing financial ine transactions. s &ss Cust oem ielC rD & nt 23 ileat Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

yrit Financial Responsibilities ho Aut ntio ant eum cDo itsie ial inancFnsibilo spRe &s ss inedline leea imTD stail & De ntliemer C o 24 ustC Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Aut Timeliness & Deadlines rho ity Deadlines • If you are given a deadline by management, that deadline should be met by the date requested • If you are unable to meet the set deadline, then you must go to your director and coD notify them of the issue um • Request an extensionif necessary • Manager is to add a calendar reminder the day prior to the expected due date ent aiot General Expectations n Email • Email notifications should be turned on to ensure that important emails are received speR timely. nsibiloinancF Respond to voicemails timely ial itsie • If you receive a voicemail before noon, it should be returned the same day. • If you receive a voicemail after noon, it should be returned no later than the next business day by noon. • Documentation of all returned voicemails should be placed in the file notes. While out of the office eDDTimmiT adldaeinelenelie o Adjusters are required to change their voicemail and email to reflect that they sineneliss ss will be out of the office, including the dates. s && o If the adjuster will be out of the office for an extended period, a return date shall be stated in their message. o Example of Voicemail recording ▪ Out of office: ● Hello, you have reached the desk of ___________. I am sorry C that I am unable to answer your call at this time as I am out oust of the office from __________ to ________. Please leave a m C message and someone will return your call as soon as they re ntlie are available. e D & 25 silta Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

yrit Timeliness & Deadlines ho Aut • Away from your desk: • Hello, you have reached the desk of ___________. I am sorry that I am unable to answer your call at this time, as I am ntio either away from my desk or assisting another customer. a Please leave a detailed message including your name, claim nte number, telephone number with area code and a brief um message explaining the reason for your call and I will return co your call as soon as I become available. D • Example of Email response • Out of office with minimal access to email: • Please be advised that I am out of the office with limited access to email starting ___________ through _______. I will sie be returning to the office on ___________. If this is an ialit emergency, please reach out to one of the following people nsibil below. inancFo • Provide a name or list of names while you are out, in spe the body of the email. R • Out of office with No access to email • Please be advised that I am out of the office with no access to email starting ___________ through _______. I will be returning to the office on ___________. If this is an emergency, please reach out to one of the following people & below. ss s • Provide a name or list of names while you are out, in ineldline the body of the email. eimDea T stail & De ntliemer C o 26 ustC Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Aut Client & Customer Details rho ity As a boutique third-party administrator, NARS is committed to tailoring business services and handling requirements to meet the unique needs of our clients. Expectations and coD procedures vary from customer-to-customer. Account eum Handling Instructions are a critical tool which must be tant reviewed, understood, and followed to help ensure nio successful service delivery consistent with client expectations on a claim-by-claim basis. Rspe Account Handling Instructions (specific to client) onsibilFinanc • List specific programs to be managed by team ieit ial • Address common expectations and requirements s DeTim adlinele inesss & CsCu ustomotlC m Ceni erDer ntielt teDet & & 27 silaslia Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

yrit Client & Customer Details ho Aut ntio ant eum cDo itsie ial inancFnsibilo spRe &s ss inedline leea imTD stail & De ntliemer C o 28 ustC Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Aut Client & Customer Details rho ity Dco ume ntta ion Rspe onsibilFinanc itie ial s De Tim adl inele ines ss & Cust oem ielC rD & nt 29 ileat Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NAR Back Cover r PS incipl es C oplm ianc e Pfre & Rmanor euqec irmeeaM ntgna s mee nt RspemAd onsibilstini itivrta ies e YuroMa Wgna okr ing