NAR Managing Your Work rS P incipl • The manager will manage the claim review meeting and introduce each adjuster, who es will present their specific claim to the group. • Once the adjuster has completed their review, the manager will ask if anyone has any questions and move on to the next claim, until all claims on the list have been discussed. C • Managers will take notes for any takeaways during the meeting and will then be plmo responsible for ensuring the answers are provided to the group. ianc Unit Meetings e • Managers must have at least 1 documented scheduled meeting with their unit at least once every week o Agendas should be included in the meeting invite with an opportunity for employees to contribute freP o Meeting minutes must be e-mailed to everyone within the unit and cc’d to their R&manro manager/director e qiruM ec 1:1 and Unit Meetings emena nstega • Managers are required to have 1:1 meetings with their individual adjusters for at least nme 15 minutes each week. t Roundtable Process Our group will schedule one RT per week for all teams reporting up through me. I will set a date and time and invite you. Please make sure that you invite the necessary adjusters to speRmAd present their files to the roundtable. o ini Criteria to RT nsibilrst • Claims with a value over 250k ieitivat • Time limit/policy limit demands in Texas, Florida, South Carolina, California (998), and s e Georgia, etc., that we are going to reject o Any other seriously liberal venue o Objective is to avoid a bad decision Please make sure that these are roundtabled early in the process and not the day before the demand is due. Y Ma ourna Woingg 17 rk Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.