Administrative NAR Responsibilities rS P incipl Time off requests es • Time off requests must be submitted to the manager viaemail for prior approval before submitting the request to Paycom • Upon receipt of the emailed request, the manager will review their calendar and C verify how many employees are scheduled to be off on that given date mo • Rule of thumb is no more than a 1/3 of the unit is to be scheduled out of the office pl on any given day ianc • The manager will then approve or decline the time off request via email and notify e the employee • Employee is to submit their time off request viaPaycom once approved by management • Manager to update calendar • The manager will notify management of the calendar updates fPre & Rmanor Vacation / PTO ueqec o Managers are to ensure phones, v/m, metrics (urgent documents) are meireaM reviewed daily for anyone on PTO. tngna o Try to avoid assigning new losses to anyone on PTO or have other adjusters s mee nt work the losses in that adjuster’s name while they are out. ▪ This includes: • The entire new loss set up o ECLDA R • Contact to all parties speRspemdAmAd • Sending letters o ini • Action plan onsnsibilstraniist o Managers are to assist other managers while they are on PTO liiibittivtar ▪ This includes: stiesiee eiv • Phones / VM • Metrics • Reserves and payment approvals • Authority requests • Adjuster mentoring o This allows everyone the opportunity to enjoy their time off and not worry uroYMa about coming back to a high volume of work na Woingg 13 rk Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.