se Performance Management iplinc rS P & Requirements ARN Temp Employee Management • Managers are responsible to ensure that temp employees are working during their expected hours • Managers are to spot audit claims handled by temps to ensure claim handling is appropriate, addressing any issues that may arise e • Manager must review and approve temp timecards within 24 hours of receipt iancpl Departing Employee Procedure mo • The following steps will need to be taken immediately by the manager: C o Notify HR immediately o HR will cut off system access immediately o Voicemail and emails will be redirected to manager tn megents aanme Me uire c Req manfor& rPe iveies trait stinionsibil mAdResp ingork gna W MaYuro 12 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NARS Playbook - Managers - Page 12 NARS Playbook - Managers Page 11 Page 13