Aut Financial Responsibilities rho ity Reserving Philosophy • Reserves are to be established in accordance with NARS Claims Handling Timelines and based on program requirements. Reserves should contemplate the most likely outcome of the claim, including anticipated expenses. coD • Reserves should be re-evaluated promptly when new information material to the ume anticipated value and/or costs of the claim are received. Modifications are to be tant made in accordance with NARS Claim Handling Timelines and program nio requirements. Authority to modify the reserve must be requested from the carrier via the use of a Large Loss Review (LLR). • The file must be documented every time it is reviewed by the adjuster, indicating R whether the reserve is adequate or needs to be modified. speRpesF onsibilnoFinancni o Documentation includes the email authority from the carrier. bis ialcna itieitili lai Check Processing ses • At no time should a check issuer also be the check printer and/or mail processor • At no time should anyone issue a check to a vendor without a 1099 or W9, without receiving and entering the information into the C3. • There are various funding requirements which may be required based on amount of eD imT reserve or payment. Account Handling Instructions and/or the client contract will dla inele address funding requirements and should be reviewed prior to completing financial ine transactions. s &ss Cust oem ielC rD & nt 23 ileat Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.