se Performance Management iplinc rS P & Requirements ARN o Every employee’s performance should be reviewed regularly ▪ Examples: • Utilize the daily pending report • QARs (Quality Assurance Reviews) • Frequent file reviews e • Managers should take the time to review files submitted for authority ianc • Managers will be responsible for identifying the following: pl o Top performers mo o Performance issues o Training C o Mentoring o Documentation • Managers are expected to meet on performance issues with their lowest performers on a weekly basis. tn o If an adjuster does not close 100% for more than 2 weeks in a row or too meets many complaint calls, queue is out of control, etc.… The manager must gnan address the issues directly with the employee a Mireme o Manager is to meet with the adjusters that are not performing and provide ecqu guidance, additional training, and mentoring mane R o Manager is to send the adjuster a meeting recap email and store the email in rfo& the adjuster’s performance folder rPe ▪ Examples: • Unreturned call complaints • Queue mismanagement • Missed demands • Consistently failing to meet goals and metrics e ies • Excessive avoidable DOI complaints ivtit • Unreturned calls ar • Unprofessional behavior st nsibil o Issues for 3 - 4 weeks in a row or a pattern should be reviewed for a possible inimo verbal discussion Ad spe ▪ Discussions should be brief, documented each week and sent to R management ▪ 10 minutes per employee • Weekly Macro o Staff member: o Issue at hand: o Remedy: kr o Upon the initial identification of a performance issue, the manager will discuss inggo the matter with the employee and maintain documentation of same naur W MaYo 10 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NARS Playbook - Managers - Page 10 NARS Playbook - Managers Page 9 Page 11