NARAN NARS Principles PSP SR rinccrin iplelepi The NARS Employee Handbook has been prepared to inform ss all employees of the policies and procedures of NARS. You will want to familiarize yourself with the Handbook and C should refer to it when you have questions about Company plmo policies. Specific questions regarding any NARS policies may ianc also be referred to your manager or Human Resources. e All NARS employees are expected to: ● Act honestly, ethically, and in good faith at all times frPe ● Comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations of all & Rmanor euqec governmental entities and private and public regulatory meeiraM agencies, including all insurance departments having tngna jurisdiction over NARS s mee ● Maintain all company records accurately, truthfully, and nt in a timely manner ● Avoid apparent conflicts of interest in personal and speRmAd professional relationships o ini ● Maintain the highest standards in all matters relating to nsibilrst accounting, financial controls ieitivat ● Adhere to NARS policies, guidelines, and timelines s e ● Protect the confidentiality of NARS work product and proprietary information of NARS and our customers ● Promote a culture of honesty and accountability Y Ma ourna Woingg 5 rk Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NARS Playbook - Managers - Page 5 NARS Playbook - Managers Page 4 Page 6