Aut uthA Authority rho o ity tyri Authority Requests • Managers are to respond to all authority requests within 24 hours of receipt. • Submit authority requests via email with a document over your authority to the coD transportation director for review with the following information: um o Venue ent o Attorney represented ioat o Attorney must be properly documented in Parties Involved in Claim Center n with No TIN Role if applicable or Attorney/Law Firm Role if we have the Tax ID already, Role must be related to the Exposure they represent. o Limits o Any limits issues? speR o Any coverage or limits issues? nsibiloinancF o Liability o Negligence ial o Jurisdiction sieit o Was ISO run? o If UM o Have we rec’d proof of UM o Reserve amount o DOL o Injured party name D imT o Amount of Specials e e o Breakout the lost wages separately inedlainel o Injuries ss • The original authority request from the adjuster should be forwarded to s & management with the manager’s recommendations. Settlement and Reserving Authority • Settlement and reserve authority is based up client handling instructions Cust oem ielC rD & nt 19 ileat Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade s Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

NARS Playbook - Managers - Page 19 NARS Playbook - Managers Page 18 Page 20