s e l Performance Management ip c in r & Requirements P S R NA Onboarding New Hires • Managers should contact new hires 1 week prior to start. • Once onboarding and initial NARS training has been e completed,manager should meet with the new hire to c n review process, goals, tools, and expectations. a i pl • Managers should send an email to new hire confirming expectations m andrequest a response confirming understanding. Co • The new hire should be teamed up with an approved peer/mentor. Resources to utilize include the post-onboarding checklist provided by training, and Mentor Guide and Checklist in NARS University. t • Managers should set up daily 1:1 meetings, for 15-30 minutes, with ens the new hire to further onboarding and acclimation to NARS. These emt g a en should continue as needed, then move to a weekly cadence. n a em r • Managers should ensure new hires are added to all appropriate email e Mi c u n eq and communicationgroups. a m & R or f er Temp Employee Management P • Managers are responsible to ensure that temp employees are working during their expected hours. • Managers should spot audit claims handled by temps to ensure claim e es handling is appropriate, addressing any issues that may arise. iv i t t i l a i • Managers need to review and approve temp timecards within 24 r b t i hours of receipt. is in ons m p d es Departing Employee Procedure A R • The following steps should be taken immediately by the manager: o If advanced notice is provided, notify HR immediately upon notice and verify how departure will be managed. k o If no notice is provided, notify HR immediately so all system g accesses can be removed promptly. n or gi o Voicemail and emails will be redirected to manager. a W n o Manager is responsible for claim file and task reassignments. a our M Y 14 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.