Performance Management NA R S P & Requirements r in c ip l e • If significant performance issues persist, a written performance plan s may be needed. HR should be consulted and can provide guidance for formalizing and administering the plan. o Performance plans should include, but are not limited to: Co  A complete summary of the issue(s) m pl i  Documentation of issue(s) history a n c  Dates and times of prior performance discussions e  Supporting documentation (Emails, claim notes, etc)  Date of next performance follow-up discussion o Once theplanis created, approval and authority to P er f proceedshould be obtained by managementand HR & Ror m eqa o Once management and HR approve,the manager should meet n uc ie M r with the employee to review the plan and all documentation ema enn a o The managershould determine if the performance levels of the tg sem employee suggest they should be removed from the plan, have en it extended, or recommended for additional performance t actions including termination. o Manager should document and complete nextstepsas R A agreedto withmanagement and HR. esd p m o Managers should communicate and document performance onsin i is b t observations regularly and maintain individual performance r i a l t i t iv i folders for their employees. ese Y M oura W n a or gi n 13 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

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