s e l Performance Management ip c in r & Requirements P S R NA • Managers should monitor and review every employee's performance regularly. Examples of common tools to utilize: User Metrics e QA audits (SCORE!) and QAR's (Quality Assurance Reviews) c n Claim system diaries a i pl User Activities (in claim system) m Daily Pending Report Co Phone reports • Managers are responsible for recognizing and t addressing individual and team performance trends and issues in ens a timely manner. emt g a en n o Issues should be identified, assessed, and communicated with a em r e Mi individual employees and/or the team timely and appropriately. c u n eq a o Resources should be sought and identified as needed. The m & R or NARStraining team/NARS University, individualized coaching and f er P mentoring, target audits, performance/action plans, etc., are examples of tools to assist in performance improvement. • Managers should meet with employees that are not meeting e es expectations on a regular (weekly) basis to discuss issues, results, iv i t t i l a i and needed improvement. r b t i is o Managers should discuss and document specific performance in ons m p concerns with the employee and provide guidance, additional d es A R training, and mentoring. o Examples of common issues include low or inconsistent closing ratios, increase in service and/or DOI complaints, overdue User Metrics (count excessive), unprofessional k behavior, failure to meet goals and objectives, etc. g o Managershould email a meeting recap to theadjuster and n or gi store it, and related documentation, in the adjuster’s a W n performance folder. a our M Y 12 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.