NA Performance Management R S P r & Requirements in c ip l e Performance Management s • Employees are an extremely important asset to NARS. o Opencommunications between manager and employee are essential. Performance feedback and coaching should take place regularly during one-on-ones and situationally on claims. Co o Managers should follow the annual performancereview process m pl i and complete all performance-related employee reviews prior to a n the deadline, which includes: c o Completing the review templatein NARS HR System e o Submittingreview to next level/HR for approval o Obtaining authority for potential promotion, salary changes PP o Discussingresults with the employee ere frf &oro o Confirming final, signed documents are returned to HR & R Rmrman eqea qn ucc iuie Me rre M • Managers should communicate expected behaviorsand results, and emmeaan enn aag describe howemployee(s) canbecome top performers. Examples: tng steme o Deliver consistent work quality that meets/exceeds expectation. senme tn o Demonstrate timely and accurate decision-making abilities. t o Exhibit logical and thoughtful problem-solving skills. o Demonstrate good relationship and customer service skills. o Be self-directed but know when to elevate questions and issues. R A esd p m onsin • Managers should demonstratetheircommitment tothe growth i is b t r anddevelopment oftheir employees. Examples: i a l t i t iv i o Meet individually with employees to discuss career goals and ese developmental opportunities. o Identify potential career paths, requirements,and skill gaps. o Assignspecial projects and tasks to build transferrable skills. o Development plans should be individualized and discussed with employee during 1:1's and throughout the year. Y M oura W n a or gi n 11 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.