s e l ip c Managing Your Work in r P S R NA Managerial Involvement • Managers should review files within 30 days of initial assignment, and every 90 days thereafter at minimum, as outlined in NARS e Claim Handling Timelines. Key focus areas include: c n o Coverage a i pl o Liability m o Exposures (Property Damage, PIP, Bodily Injury, etc.) Co o Litigation o Reserving Accuracy t o Resolution plans – proactively moving files to closure ens Claims with Multiple Adjusters emt g a en • Many transportation claims involve multiple exposures (PD, PIP, n a em r e Mi BI, etc.). When there are multiple adjusters on a file, each should c u n eq a manage andprovide updates on their assigned portion of the file. m & R or f • When Bodily Injury is involved, the BI adjuster is the Claim Level er P Adjuster (CLA) - responsible for overall coverage and liability determinations. • Specific responsibilities of each assigned adjuster are outlined in the Transportation workflow document in NARS University. e es iv i t t i l a i r b t i Unit Meetings, One-on-Ones is in ons • Managers should have weekly teammeetings. An agenda should m p d es be included in the invitation to allow all employees to A R participate. Notes should be taken, maintained, and distributed. • Managers shouldconduct weeklyone-on-one meetings, for 15 – 30 minutes, with their employees. k o Topics may include performance trends and results, status g of metrics, employee development, etc. n or gi o Documentation should be retained for performance a W n trends, development goals, and general observations. a our M Y 20 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.