NA R Managing Your Work S P r in c ip l e s Managers should complete daily reviews of queues, mail, voicemail, metrics, & faxes. • Every morning the manager should checktheir email, voicemail, diaries, and calendar for anything urgent. Co m • Managersshould also check new assignments and pl i a team/adjustermetrics. Any issues or backlogs should be n c addressedimmediately with the individual(s) and/or team. e • If issues persist the manager should take additional steps to address and document the problem and consider further assistance as appropriate. P er f • Manager should maintain documentation for training and & Ror m eqa n performance management purposes. uc ie M r ema enn a Weekly reviewof pendingand metrics. tg sem • Managersreceive a weekly pending report and should focus on en closing ratios of individual adjusters and the team. Goal is to t haveconsistent closing results with ultimate goal of 100%+. • Metrics should be reviewed regularly to ensure all aspects of the R A file are moving forward. As issues or backlogs are identified, the esd p m manager shouldtalk with the employee about ways to address and onsin i is enroll further assistance, if needed. b t r i a l t i • Managers should coachadjusters to identify and move files that t iv i ese are “ripe” for settlement to closure. If needed, provide adjuster(s) with: o Additional training o Peer mentoring Y M ouYM o Assistance with developing claim specific Action Plans rourana W Wagn o Guidance, ideas,and creative approaches to file resolution a ororingi gn 19 kk g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.