NA R Managing Your Work S P r in c ip l e Claim Reviews with an MGA or carrier s • Managers should ensure their teams are fully prepared for claim reviews with MGA's, agents, insureds, and carriers. • Managers should obtain the claims list at least 1-2 weeks prior to the review. The list of claims should be shared with the team, along Co m with a blank Claim Summary Template. pl i a n • Adjusters should complete the review form for each of the claims to c be presented. These should be submitted to their respective e manager at least 2 days prior to the claim review. • The manager should lead the claim review meeting and introduce P each adjuster, who will present their claim(s) to the group. er f & Ror • Managershould ask clarifying questions and confirm understanding m eqa n uc as needed,until all claims on the list have been discussed. ie M r ema • Managers should capture takeaways during the meeting, and enn a tg is responsible for ensuring follow-up with the group. sem en t Roundtable Process Each team should conduct one roundtable meeting per week. The director or unit manager should set the meeting date/time and extend R A esd the invitation. All adjusters should be prepared to present their files at p m onsin the roundtable. Meeting invites should include the director, Chief Claims i is b t r i a l t Officer, and other line of business directors and leaders as appropriate. i t iv i ese Criteria to roundtable claims includes, but is not limited to: • Claims that are valued > $250,000 • Time limit, Policy limit demands in known liberal venues • Claims with clear excess exposure • Claims with catastrophic injuries where liability possible or likely Y M oura • NOTE: Claims should be roundtabledas exposures/risks verified W n a or gi n 21 k g Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.