s e l ip c Managing Your Work in r P S R NA Policy and Time Limit Demands The timely, accurate, and complete handling of all Policy and Time Limit Demands is critical to the success of NARS and our clients. The manageror adjuster normally receive notification of policy and e time limit demands via email/fax, and should ensure the following: c n a i pl o Upon receipt of a policy or time demand, the m manager/adjustershould immediately notify legal by Co . forwarding it to [email protected] o Theclient/carrier should be notified immediately (Berkley, as an example), and be provided with a copy of the t demand. The manager should set a diary for themselves ens and the adjuster to ensure key dates are not missed. emt g a en o Review the demand and evaluation immediately. If n a em r additional facts or information are needed, they should e Mi c u n eq beverified and secured as soon as possible. a m & R o File should be considered for roundtable, if appropriate. or f er o Identify allegations of Bad Faith, all demand Conditions and P Prerequisites, and all Deadlines. o Consider need for coverage or defense counsel involvement, if not already utilized. e es o If an extension is required, it must be requested and iv i t t i l a i confirmed in writing and documented in claim notes. r b t i o All demand responses must be made in writing and is in ons documented in the claim file. m p d es o Managers should confirm appearances have been A R completed with documented proof in the claim file. NARS implemented a new process for managing demands in 12/2023, outlined in Effectively Handling Time Limit and Policy g k Demandstraining inNARS University. Process documents detail how n or new demands are routed, how diaries and metrics are established, gi a W n and how activity is monitored to ensure deadlines are met. a our M Y 22 Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Document of NARS and protected by the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act, chapter 688, Florida Statutes. No use allowed unless specifically authorized.

Complex Lit - Unit Managers Playbook - Page 22 Complex Lit - Unit Managers Playbook Page 21 Page 23