North American Risk Services, Inc. Workers’ Compensation BEST PRACTICES North American Risk Services, Inc. – The Workers’ Compensation Claims Team adopts these “Best Practices” for Claims as a framework for good faith claims handling, understanding that each claim is unique, the industry is dynamic, and business requirements continually change. NARS – WC Team will continually review and assess these “Best Practices” to assure its position as a superior provider of claims services to its customers. CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE: • Being the best company at customer experience is what separates NARS – WC Team from all other third-party administrators. Our mission is: • Establish timely and substantive initial contact. • Make timely and substantive follow-up contacts. • Communicate timely, substantively, clearly, and professionally. • Utilize, manage, and respond to written correspondence, e-mail, telephone contact, SMS texts and chat timely and professionally. • Promptly investigate, analyze, and fairly resolve claims. • Meet the needs of customers by responding to special requests. • Address the needs of the employer. • Develop and employ processes and technology that support superior service. • Protect privacy of information with respect to agents/brokers, employers, injured workers, and the NARS. • Substantive means: • An exchange of information that keeps the client informed and brings the claim to a timely disposition. • Establish mutually understood expectations with all parties during the initial phase of the claim evaluation. • Manage those expectations throughout the life of the claim. COVERAGE: • Identification of all potentially applicable coverages is a critical step in fulfilling our contractual obligations to our clients. • The subsequent analysis and application of coverage to the facts of the loss is the foundation upon which a claim is appropriately resolved, and sound evaluations and decisions are made. • The coverage evaluation process includes identification and analysis of: • applicable coverage forms • the relevant insuring agreement and policy provisions • all endorsements which may apply and serve to enhance or restrict coverage • applicable coverage limits • deductibles • co-insurance • available excess coverage • documentation to support analysis NARS’ Best Practices were created by and for the internal use of NARS and are confidential, proprietary and trade secret documents protected by the Uniform Trade Secrets Act and applicable state/federal law. They may not be copied, distributed, or reproduced, in whole or in part, without NARS’ express prior written 4 authorization. Unauthorized use or distribution may be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties. 5

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