Workers’ Compensation Claims File Documentation Examples The NARS Way – WC Claims File Documentation Example Guide Authority/Authority Requested – Note Category “Authority” BEST PRACTICES Injured worker was involved in a fatal accident. According to account handling instructions, this is considered a large loss and has been reported to Joe at customer on this date. Closure Note – Note Category “Closure” Contacted the injured worker and advised we paid all bills associated with the claim so that we would be closing the claim. Advised the injured worker to call if further questions arise. Communication – Ongoing – Note Category (Employer or Injured Worker) “Contact” A telephone call (text, email) to the injured worker: (123) 456-7890. Checked in to see how things were going post-surgery and reiterated benefit discussion explaining how the rate was calculated, how often benefits would be issued, and that we will continue to contact after medical appointments. I provided contact information for her to reach me should she need anything in the meantime. (INJURED WORKER) A telephone call to Barry with Green Electronics (234) 445-6789. Informed Barry that Sarah is doing well and discussed potential modified duty options for return to work once a release is obtained. I reminded Barry to reach out to Sarah to check in on her while off work. (EMPLOYER) Sent get well/thinking of you card to the injured worker. (INJURED WORKER) Compensability – Note Category “Compensability” This file is eligible for benefits under Nebraska jurisdiction as the injured worker is a janitor who was mopping the floors of the school when she turned and heard a pop in her back sustaining a low back injury to the L5-S1 level. As the injured worker was in the course and scope of her employment with Brookview Elementary by performing janitorial duties on-site, this file is accepted as compensable under Nebraska Workers’ Compensation. This file is not eligible for benefits under Iowa jurisdiction based upon idiopathic condition as the injured worker fainted while walking down the hallway at work. As the syncopal episode is related to the injured workers’ personal health condition and not her employment, file is denied under Iowa Workers’ Compensation. Coverage – Note Category “Coverage” The injured worker is not covered under this policy as it is written only to cover clerical staff versus the trucking staff. Coverage has been verified upon review of the policy for workers’ compensation as Green Electronics does have a current policy for all staff. The injured worker has been verified as an employee by Green Electronics. *If there is no coverage, please state clearly why and the next steps for the claim NARS’ Best Practices were created by and for the internal use of NARS and are confidential, proprietary and trade secret documents protected by the Uniform Trade Secrets Act and applicable state/federal law. They may not be copied, distributed, or reproduced, in whole or in part, without NARS’ express prior written authorization. Unauthorized use or distribution may be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties.