C T onable o t en WORKERS’ COMPENSATION tsf UNIT MANAGER CHECKLIST (CONTINUED) Action Plan? Managing medical and disability forward? Are target NARS W dates updated and following projections? What is the a plan to move to resolution? Are we communicating with y the injured worker and employer on updates? UW Daily/Weekly nit MC C Release Payments anagr Release Reserves edo f eror Review Pending Medical Bills Let’s strive to be less than 5 days overdue. s f orW SC C pecialistsr Review Criteria: edo 1. Quality care of the injured employee – Are they communicating with the employee? Are they providing the benefits information? Advising they P r will be receiving a packet? If so, when was the last time they spoke with the employee? Did they note acticB discussion of target dates for RTW/MMI projections and potential resolution? If a litigated file, are they esest holding the employees and/or their attorneys accountable for their own recovery, empowering them? U 2. Outcome – Checklistnit M What is the probable outcome and when and how will we get to it? Let’s use the word outcome in the file. Drive to recovery and RTW, that’s our successful outcome. Specialists need to get comfortable with anag the idea that we are looking for them to take care of the injured worker while looking for the best quality er and best cost-effective outcome on the file. ChecklistSW 3. Closure – Resolution – Settlement – pecialist C Claims Help specialists focus on their monthly production rate, close what they can by the end of the month. We don’t want to re-open a file, so closures need to be appropriate. We need closure letters or calls to the injured worker and employer. Just a call to let the parties know all has been taken care of. If permanent disability is a potential, we need to see a pricing evaluation in the file under the action plan, 14 DExpecta so all parties are aware of the value of the case. While fully taking care of the injured worker, need to F a tionsile stay focused on inventory reduction (when appropriate) for settlement and closure rates. y s 4. Target Dates – Do not be afraid to post a date you expect them to accomplish something…accountability. Injured Expecta workers need a goal to work for. Challenge them to be bigger and better than ever. F tionsile R e f erD encisability e G uide CaN t o egt orieses and 8 9