DISABILITY MANAGEMENT REFERENCE GUIDE (CONTINUED) Target Dates • Specialist must obtain both modified and regular duty target dates. • Specialist must obtain revised target dates as needed. • Include modified and regular duty target date questions on letter/sheet faxed to the physician’s office prior to appointment. • Persistence is key if physician is not responsive (follow-up consisting of combination of fax and phone calls may be needed). • Use resources as needed (see prior page) to help obtain target dates. • If physician unwilling to provide estimated return to work dates (modified and regular) Use Ongoing Disability Guidelines • Investigate any discrepancies between guidelines and physician’s plan. Determine impact of any employee profile/comorbid issues. Post results. Note: Target dates are the probable return to work dates based on medical condition and type of work performed. A target date is not merely the next appointment date. • If the employer does not have modified/TAW available, the specialist should post file with specific reasons why work is not available. Specialist should also post confirmation of discussions with employer, employee, and provider regarding benefits of modified/TAW. • Specialist must communicate initial and revised target dates to employee and employer. It is important to speak with employee and not just leave messages. Specialist should send a letter to employee with copy to employer if unable to contact employee after two (3) consecutive days of effort. Post the full name and date of contact for all communications relating to target dates. Specialist must explain any delays in communicating target dates to employee. Status Report • Specialist must include disability management strategy within plan. • Specialist must adjust action plan based on changing facts. • Specialist should develop contingency plans to counter case handling obstacles. • Specialist must post detailed reasoning for any decisions made to not complete specific tasks relating to management of disability or medical issues. 28 29