C T on able o North American Risk Services, Inc. t en ts f Workers’ Compensation BEST PRACTICES NARS W a • File documentation is accomplished primarily via Claim Notes and appropriate utilization of Note Types as well as y posting pertinent correspondence, reports, and other materials to the claim including but not limited to medical reports, medical bills, and nurse case management documentation. U W nit MC C anagr • File reporting is an ongoing process and is consistently and timely updated as new information develops. edo f er or • Reports are utilized in compliance with company guidelines and include but are not limited to Large Loss, s Reinsurance, Pre-Trial and Trial. f or W S C C STATUS REPORT: pecialistsr • A Status Report includes an identification of the critical/unresolved issues regarding Coverage, Compensability, edo and Exposure, and the investigative tasks to be completed to resolve each critical/unresolved issue that leads the WC Claims Specialist to develop an evaluation of Coverage, Compensability, and Exposure; and move the claim to P r disposition, resolution, and/or negotiation. acticB es est • The WC Claims Specialist’s Status Report is a clear, concise, and pro-active approach to bringing the claim to a fair and timely resolution. U • The Status Report is dynamic, reflecting the strategies for fairly resolving the critical/unresolved issues as additional Checklistnit M information is developed and analyzed. anag EXPENSE MANAGEMENT: er • The North American Risk Services, Inc. – WC Claims team strives to avoid even the slightest appearance of ChecklistSW impropriety when facing actual or potential cases of conflicts of interest by maintaining “arm’s length” relationships pecialist C Claims with vendors, independent adjusting firms, attorneys, and others with whom it does business. • WC Claims Specialists are responsible for exercising reasonable business judgment in the selection, retention, and management of external resources to facilitate fair and prompt resolution of claims. Expecta 14 D F • Scopes of assignments to external resources should be specific and limited to assure appropriate expenditures, and a tionsile y sufficient to provide good faith investigation, analysis, and resolution of claims. s Expecta F tionsile R e f er D encisability e G uide Ca N t o eg t NARS’ Best Practices were created by and for the internal use of NARS and are confidential, proprietary and trade secret documents protected by the Uniform orieses and Trade Secrets Act and applicable state/federal law. They may not be copied, distributed, or reproduced, in whole or in part, without NARS’ express prior written 6 authorization. Unauthorized use or distribution may be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties. 7