C T onable o t en WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CLAIMS SPECIALIST tsf 14-DAY CHECKLIST (CONTINUED) 1. Quality care of the injured employee- NARS W • Are you communicating with the employee? a • Are you providing the benefits information? y • Advising you will be receiving a packet? • When was the last time you spoke with the employee? U W • Did you note discussion of target dates for RTW/MMI projections and potential resolution? nit MC C anagr • If a litigated file, are you holding the employees and/or their attorneys accountable for their own recovery, edo f empowering them? er s or 2. Outcome – f • What is the probable outcome and when and how will we get to it? orW SC C • Let’s use the word outcome in the file. pecialistsr • Drive to recovery and RTW, that’s our successful outcome. edo • You need to get comfortable with the idea that we are taking care of the injured worker while looking for the best quality and best cost-effective outcome on the file. 3. Closure – Resolution – Settlement – P r acticB • Focus on closing files appropriately. Set a day of the month to review closures. esest • We don’t want to re-open a file, so closures need to be appropriate. Call or send a closure letter to the injured worker. Just a call to let the parties know all has been taken care of. If permanent disability is a potential, we need to see a pricing evaluation in the file under the status report, so all parties are aware of the value of the case. U While fully taking care of the injured worker, need to stay focused on inventory reduction (when appropriate) for Checklistnit M settlement and closure rates. anag 4. Target Dates – er • Always use target dates on your actionable items to keep moving the file. Injured workers need a goal to work for. Challenge them to be bigger and better than ever. W ChecklistS pecialist C Claims 14 DExpecta F a tionsile y s Expecta F tionsile R e f erD encisability e G uide Ca N t o eg t orieses and 10 11