C T on able o North American Risk Services, Inc. t en ts f Workers’ Compensation CLAIMS FILE DOCUMENTATION EXPECTATIONS NARS W 14-DAYS a INITIAL – INTERIM- STATUS REPORT y U W Expectation: Initial Status Report is due by the 14th day from the date reported. Copy and paste the template into the nit MC C file and fill it in. anagr edo f Interim Status is due Day 30. Copy, paste and change what is necessary. eror s f Regular Status Reports are due every 45 days for lost time cases. Change what is needed, every 60 days for medical only orW and 90 days for permanent disability cases. SC C pecialistsr Template edo • Jurisdiction: • Summary of injury: P r acticB • Medical treatment: es est • Work status: • Benefits owed: • Disability management: U • Legal status: Checklistnit M • Goal: anag Strategy: er 1. Maintain contact with all parties (Ongoing: injured worker and employer) 2. Review/ Set reserves (Ongoing) (7 days) W ChecklistS 3. Manage medical to projected MMI date of (Target date) pecialist C Claims 4. Obtain release to work (Target Date) 5. Pay all related bills (Ongoing) 6. Settle/resolve the claim (Target Date) 14 DExpecta F a tionsile Pricing Evaluation and Negotiation Plan: y (Category: Resolution Plan, NOT status report) s • Pricing Evaluation and Negotiation Plan: • PPI Rating: Expecta • MSA: (Y or N) if yes, plan of action F • Reserves Appropriate: (Y or N) tionsile • Negotiation: • Explain numbers and rationale for negotiation. Also, explain clearly why an attorney negotiated the file instead of the specialist. R e f erD encisability e G uide CaN t o egt orieses and 18 19